- Cross-listing (Merging) Courses in Canvas – teachers can now cross-list second semester courses.
Video Instructions
Refresher on Cross-listing
Cross-listing allows teachers to create content ONE TIME for all the sections they teach that are the same. For example: A teacher teaches Math 8 three times a day. Rather than creating canvas content three times, the teacher cross-lists the sections/class periods so they can create the content one time.
Benefits of cross listing
- Teachers can still see one class at a time or all sections
- Teachers can create an assignment once but give different due dates for each section or even for just one student.
- Teachers can assign an assignment to one section or all sections.
- GT and CORE teachers can cross-list and have some assignments the same and some different.
- Teachers could cross-list to the wrong course or a past course.
- Once cross-listed, the LMETS is the only ones who can de-cross-list
- De-cross-listing after assignments are turned in and scored means at least one section LOSES all submissions and scores.